Hello everyone,


I hope you are all enjoying this brisk fall day.


Here is a question from Kate Neese in Clinton County. Please reply all so that we may all gain information.


Thank you!


Cindy Foster

Household Hazardous Waste Specialist

HHW Center




Good Morning!


Our department helps coordinate a year round collection for narcotics and my Sergeant just emailed asking how best to deal with liquid narcotics?  We have been using the DEA’s program to dispose of our narcotics but the DEA will not accept liquids.  And my Sergeant does not want to drive to Kent County to dispose of the liquids.  Should we just encourage our residents to render the liquids useless and put them in the trash?  Or are there better options?



Kate Neese – Recycling & Waste Management Coordinator

Clinton County Department of Waste Management

1307 E. Townsend Road *Suite 102

St Johns, MI 48879

(989) 224-5186

Fax (989) 224-5102



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