Welcome David and the best to you in your new position.

On Thu, Aug 4, 2016 at 4:29 PM, David Schaffer <DSchaffer@benzieco.net> wrote:

Hello All


My name is David Schaffer.  I am the Solid Waste Department Head/Recycling Coordinator for Benzie County.  The former Department Head, Marlene Wood, retired on May 1st.  I found this conversation thread in my spam box and thought it would be a good idea to say hello and introduce myself.  It also turns out that this subject is of particular interest to me.  Our county currently does not have a permanent year-round HHW drop off facility and I am looking into offering this option to the community.  Right now we are limited to a few collection events in the summer.  These events have been a great success but I feel we are ready for the next step in opening a permanent facility.  If any of you have thoughts or ideas on how to best go about this project, please feel free to chime in.  Mistakes are great to learn from and even better when you can learn from others mistakes;)  So if you have any definite do’s or don’ts regarding this project, your input is very much appreciated.  As for illegal dumping at our recycling collection sites, we follow up with written letters of warning(if info is provided). I believe that items left on the ground are considered litter according to MI Law MCL 324.8901 and it is a civil infraction offence. I have even had the sheriff contact an individual regarding illegal dumping.  Often I feel we are only making smarter criminals as in the next time they will leave their mail out of the  garbage left. However I do believe we have steered at least a few people “straight”.  We also have cameras at each site but rarely reference them as finding the specific offense can be time consuming.  So again, Hello All! If you’ll have me, I look forward to participating in future conversations.




David Schaffer

David Schaffer

Benzie County Recycling Coordinator

448 Court Place, Beulah, MI 49617

231-882-0554  www.benzieco.net





From: list-manager@kalcountyeh.simplelists.com [mailto:list-manager@kalcountyeh.simplelists.com] On Behalf Of Cynthia S. Foster
Sent: Thursday, August 4, 2016 3:20 PM
To: 'hhwroundtable@kalcountyeh.simplelists.com' <hhwroundtable@kalcountyeh.simplelists.com>
Subject: HHW collection site security




Here is a question for the group from Jon Tulman in Washtenaw County. Please reply to the group or to Jon at tulmanj@ewashtenaw.org Thank you in advance for your responses.

Cindy Foster

Household Hazardous Waste Specialist

HHW Center




I am evaluating security at our permanent collection facility as it pertains to persons dropping off materials when we are closed for business.


I am interested in learning from others around Michigan how they address this issue, specifically as to:


1)      Do other programs have ordinance language specific to dropping off HHW materials when the site is closed, or more general language that deals with the illegal dumping of solid waste? 


2)      What steps have programs taken (video surveillance, fake video surveillance, signage) to help keep off-hour drops at bay, and what is the success of these methods?


Jon Tulman

Solid Waste Specialist

Washtenaw County







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John Menna
Sales & Marketing, Solid Waste Services
Riverview Land Preserve
Cell:  734.216.4990
Direct Office: 734.785.5928
Fax: 734.479.5960