Hello Friends,Hazmat Strategies will be offering "Chemistry for the Non-Chemist" training in Ann Arbor on Thursday, January 19, 2017.
Training will run from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. Cost is $160 per person.
If we could get a "show of hands" for who might be interested, that would be greatly appreciated. Please send me an email If you are interested in attending. In order to go forward with the training, we would like to have ten (10) people signed up.
Course Description: Chemistry for the Non-Chemist - a five-hour training geared toward HHW professionals. This class is designed for anyone working in the hazardous waste field, including hazmat technicians, regulators, HHW staff and volunteers. In an exciting hands-on class, your staff will learn an appreciation for especially dangerous chemicals, hazard classes, chemistry basics along with some tools for identification of unknown chemicals.
Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks.
Thomas DewhirstPrincipal
Hazmat Strategies
cell: 269-349-5814