We have always offered newer looking, seemingly full items at an “exchange table” for the public. Those taking items are required to list what they are taking and sign a waiver releasing the county from liability. Perhaps we need to review this…
Katherine Melby, Communications Coordinator
Emmet County DPW/Recycling
200 Division Street, Suite G-76, Petoskey MI 49770
From: hhwroundtable@kalcountyeh.
simplelists.com [mailto:hhwroundtable@kalcountyeh.simplelists.com ] On Behalf Of Jon Tulman
Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2017 2:34 PM
To: hhwroundtable@kalcountyeh.simplelists.com
Subject: Two questions
Hi Folks,
1) Any recommendations on dealing with fireworks?
2) Do any programs have experience with making usable HHW products available for co-workers to take? We used to put a range of items on a table just inside out building but ended the practice at the directive of the county safety committee which was concerned that this would be a problem for OHSA or MiOSHA. I’m particularly interested in knowing if anyone has explored this in light of our safety committee’s concern.
Jon Tulman
Solid Waste Specialist
Washtenaw County, MI
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